Category: Health and Fitness

Know 15 Easy Precautions Before Attending A Wedding During COVID19 43

Know 15 Easy Precautions Before Attending A Wedding During COVID19

A wedding during COVID19 is different in every sense from the ones which we use to attend before this Pandemic. Weddings in India has always been a grand affair. It may vary according to the region, the religion, the community, and the personal preferences of the bride and groom.  But...

One Urgent Thing That Cannot Be Shunned In Life Is HEALTH 12

One Urgent Thing That Cannot Be Shunned In Life Is HEALTH

Today in the morning I read a shlok in Sanskrit about health which says व्यायामात् लभते स्वास्थ्यं दीर्घायुष्यं बलं सुखं। आरोग्यं परमं भाग्यं स्वास्थ्यं सर्वार्थसाधनम्॥ This means – Exercise results in good health, long life, strength, and happiness. Good health is the greatest blessing. Health is a means of everything. This reminded me...

How To Be Successful with Picky Eater Kids 38

How To Be Successful with Picky Eater Kids

Having picky eater kids is very stressful for parents and especially for a mommy. Here I am sharing confessions from some mommies on their kid’s fussy eating habits and how they successfully transformed their little picky eaters into happy ones. What does a mom want? We all know Good and...

12 Remarkable Food Habits To Be Followed At Every Home 24

12 Remarkable Food Habits To Be Followed At Every Home

As a parent, we play an integral role in shaping our kid’s food habits. Parents influence their children’s food preferences. Nutritious and fresh home-cooked food is an indispensable part of a healthy family. Food brings the whole family together at the dining table. When a family eats together, it bonds...

Know About the Treasure Ingredients in Your Kitchen 38

Kitchen Ingredients, Know About This Treasure

The kitchen is a sea of many vital treasure ingredients. This includes different spices, flour, oil, and various other items used in cooking. Besides adding taste to our food, these kitchen ingredients improve our overall health and skin. These easily available kitchen items do wonders for your beauty and immune...