Blogger Recognition Award 2020

Blogger Recognition Award 2020
Blogger Recognition Award 2020
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Thank you so much to headphonesthoughts for the nomination. You are awesome! I am honoured that you nominated me for the Blogger Recognition Award 2020. Please follow headphonesthoughts.

The Rules:

  1. Thank the blogger that nominated you & provide a link to their site
  2. Do a blog post about this award
  3. Give a brief summary about how you started your blog
  4. Give two pieces of advice for any new blogger
  5. Select at least 10 other bloggers for this award
  6. Let each nominee know you’ve nominated them & provide them with your link to your post

Why I Started My Blog

Writing poems, thoughts, about events happening in my life, about my good and bad days was something I started when I was 10.

It continued for a few years, and I got a few of my thoughts published in The Times of India kids column also. But then the higher school grades made me forget about my passion, and I dedicated my full focus to my studies.

I completed my MBA in Electronic Business, and soon after that, I started working as a Deputy Manager in a very reputed bank. During all these years I use to write, but that was very rare.

After working for some years in a bank, I pursued my PHD. in Management, got married, and then eventually got busy with my baby.

Now when my child was 5-years-old, this year, I started getting some free time from my daily chores.

The Lockdown due to Pandemic COVID 19 kept us in our homes for months. I kept thinking for days, what is that one thing I always wanted to do, and I would like to give it a try before I leave this world.

This adverse situation gave me time to contemplate my strengths and weaknesses, and this time again, my love for writing got over me more vigorously and passionately.

Therefore, I started a blog for moms, where I shared my personal experiences of my life to give a purpose to my passion. It is how came live and got the immense love and support of my readers.  

My Advice to the New Bloggers

We cannot excel in the things we love doing till the time we feel scared of people judging us. So, come out of your comfort zone and do not let anything and anybody refrain you from exploring things you are passionate about doing.

Always write about things you love, and you will never fall short of ideas. 

Be consistent in your efforts, never compromise on hard work, and be a lifelong learner.

My Nominees for Blogger Recognition Award 2020

As headphonesthoughts nominated me, I nominate all of these bloggers. Thank you for all of your awesome content and dedication to the blogging community.

Please follow each of them.

I believe that “Everything big starts with a dream.”

“A dream does not become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.”

Success gets attracted to consistency, positivity, and hard work. 

So work hard, be kind, and wait for the amazing things to happen.


Dr. Priyanka Joshi


Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this post are the personal views of the author. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the Any omissions or errors are the author’s and does not assume any liability or responsibility for them.

Dr Priyanka Joshi

Dr. Priyanka Joshi is a Ph.D. in Management, MBA in E-Business a former Banker, a millennial mom, and an ardent writer. She is on the mission to celebrate motherhood, all its queer and cheerful times through real-life anecdotes from real moms. Voicing stories that are relatable and informative, committed to creating content that is engaging and informative to usher all the moms through this amazing journey. So, here's from a part-time Blogger and the full-time Supermom.

10 Responses

  1. Thank you so much for the nomination Priyanka! And congratulations on your nomination as well! I feel that my story is similar about how I started the blog. I’d been wanting to start one for so long because I loved writing but always said I never had the time. Then came my injury, followed by Covid-19, and all the sudden I did. And it’s been sick a good outlet for me through everything!

  2. Ellie-M says:

    Congrats on your nomination!

  3. Charity says:

    Congratulations on the blogger recognition award. That is so exciting!

  4. Sara James says:

    Congrats, Priyanka, and thank you very much for the nomination. I am glad that you started blogging because your posts are informative and interesting to read. Your suggestions are very practical and helpful as well. Wish you all the best:)

  5. Tech says:

    Very nice and informative content.

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