A Story of Selfless Love and Sensitivity

A Story of Selfless Love and Sensitivity
A Story of Siya’s Selfless Love and Sensitivity
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This is a story of Selfless Love and Sensitivity.

The story is about a six-year-old girl Siya’s selfless love for her dog Pepper and her sensitivity towards her autistic neighbour kid Kiaan.

Siya is a happy, bubbly, cute, witty girl.

She was a chatterbox.

An apple of her parent’s eye.

For a long time, She has been insisting on her Parents for a dog. But her mom was not interested in having one at home. It was a reason for a tiff between daughter and mom.

On her 6th birthday again, she insisted. 

AS it was her birthday, her mom could not refuse.

So, her parents bought a dog for her.

Siya was on cloud nine, seeing her new pet, a cute little pup Pepper.

Since then, they both were inseparable.

They use to eat, play and sleep together.

But after a few months, Siya developed some acute allergies.

Her pediatrician advised her to stay away from the dog.

A Story of Selfless Love and Sensitivity
A Story of Selfless Love and Sensitivity
Photo by Helena Lopes on Pexels.com

Siya’s family now started searching for a new home for the dog.

They found that their neighbor living in an adjacent building was looking for a pet for their autistic son Kiaan. 

So the dog was given to Kiaan, against Siya’s will.

It best suited all.

As the dog stayed in the neighborhood, so whenever Siya wants to see him, she can.

The dog was loving and trained, which befitted Kiaan also.

For many days Siya remained sad and inconsolable, but her allergies began to subdue.

But one day, while returning from her doctor, Siya saw that Kiaan was happily playing with her dog, Pepper and the dog also looked healthy and happy. 

That day Siya told her mom, the decision of giving the dog to Kiaan was for everyone’s good.

Today I saw Pepper happily playing with Kian.

Mommy, I love Pepper. Now I am also happy after seeing him happy and healthy in Kian’s house.

Moreover, Kian, who was always so quiet, also got a new best friend.

Her sensitivity and selfless love towards others were appreciable.

Since then, she again became happy and always smiling Siya.

A Story of Selfless Love and Sensitivity
A Story of Selfless Love and Sensitivity
Photo by Helena Lopes on Pexels.com

A six-year-old loves her dog so selflessly that she has learned to be happy seeing him happy.

A little girl could perceive the loneliness and happiness of Kian.

The research study shows:

 The presence of animals has been linked to increased social interaction among communities (e.g. Wood, Giles-Corti, & Bulsara, 2005). 

Studies reveal the possibility that an animal may act as a social facilitator to connect individuals with autism to the people around them (e.g., Sams, Fortney, & Willenbring, 2006).

The presence of animals has been shown to change people’s perception of other humans, rating people with animals as friendlier, happier, and more approachable than those without animals (Rossbach & Wilson, 1992). 

Studies have shown that the support from therapy dogs can help parents of an autistic child feel relaxed and experience less stress. 

The attitude and behaviour of Siya stunned me.

How many of us, are happy in the happiness of people we love.

How many of us are sensitive to the physical and mental issues of other people.

Let us all be kind, loving, selfless and sensitive like Siya.

A Story of Selfless Love and Sensitivity

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this post are the personal views of the author. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the sunshinemoms.com. Any omissions or errors are the author’s and thesunshinemoms.com does not assume any liability or responsibility for them.

Dr Priyanka Joshi

Dr. Priyanka Joshi is a Ph.D. in Management, MBA in E-Business a former Banker, a millennial mom, and an ardent writer. She is on the mission to celebrate motherhood, all its queer and cheerful times through real-life anecdotes from real moms. Voicing stories that are relatable and informative, committed to creating content that is engaging and informative to usher all the moms through this amazing journey. So, here's from a part-time Blogger and the full-time Supermom.

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35 Responses

  1. Anika says:

    Siya is certainly a great example to follow, what a lovely post! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    Anika | chaptersofmay.com

  2. This story gave me a warm feeling inside. There can be such a strong connection with pets.

  3. Lisa says:

    What a lovely tale. I do think it’s so important for children to grow up with animals, they can learn so much from pets.

  4. Prableen says:

    This is so nice I really liked it great 😍☺️❤️

  5. Wafa says:

    Thanks for such N amazing story ! Loved every bit 👌

  6. Anju says:

    Beautiful story of selfless and sensitive kid 😊 lovely write up 👍🏻

  7. Nehya says:

    Good read.

  8. Sara James says:

    It’s a nice story to tell people about how to feel happy in other’s happiness. Yeah, definitely animals bring lots of joy, but one has to be careful whether their kid is comfy with the pet. My son loves the cat, but still not ready to have one. Just like your last post that we have to educate our kids on the importance of loving and treating them right. A great and simple story about selfless love!

  9. Shweta says:

    Hats off to Siya’s sensitivity!

  10. Simpi Bisht says:

    Your posts are wonderful, which is always fun to read.👌👌👏👏

  11. Maria says:

    Awe… That is such a cute story!! I want a cat and so does my daughter. We haven’t gotten one yet though. Currently not the right time.

  12. Ritu says:

    This realy touching ….how a kid know to this….we should learn frm them…. God bless siya

  13. Animals definitely bring a lot of joy to children – I grew up on a farm and couldn’t imagine not being surrounded by animals, you can certainly learn a lot from them! This was a really lovely story and such a wonderful post, thank you for sharing x

  14. Is this based on something that actually happened? Was she only allergic to dogs?

    • Yes it is based on actual story. People with allergies have over sensitive immune systems. They are usually allergic to the dander- flakes of dead skin, saliva and urine. Their bodies overreact to harmless substances like dog dander and attack it as they would bacteria or viruses. Thanks for your comment.

  15. Kelly Diane says:

    This is such a great post. Thank you for sharing.

  16. Ellie-M says:

    This is just the sweetest story ever! Such beautiful pictures too. Thanks for bringing me a few smiles today 🙂

  17. Faizan says:

    Thanks for the lovely read. 🙂 Actually smiling typing this..

  1. December 14, 2020

    […] A Story of Selfless Love and Sensitivity […]

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