Know 15 Easy Precautions Before Attending A Wedding During COVID19

Know 15 Easy Precautions Before Attending A Wedding During COVID19
Know 15 Easy Precautions Before Attending A Wedding During COVID19
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A wedding during COVID19 is different in every sense from the ones which we use to attend before this Pandemic.

Weddings in India has always been a grand affair.

It may vary according to the region, the religion, the community, and the personal preferences of the bride and groom. 

But in most cases, marriages are an expensive event celebrated with full enthusiasm for the union of two people and two families.

A traditional Indian wedding lasts an average of three days.  

Marriage functions are not only a memorable event for the bride and groom but also for all the people attending it.

But this Covid 19 Pandemic has made everything upside down. Unfortunately, now marriage gathering is just as unsafe as any other social gathering due to the COVID19 Pandemic.

Now Wedding during COVID19 has become a small intimate affair.

It is important to stay home, avoid outdoors, social gatherings, and maintain social distances to keep yourself safe from coronavirus. But when someone in a close family is getting married, and you cannot avoid not attending it, then it is essential to think beforehand about the precautions you have to follow during the wedding.

Know 15 Easy Precautions Before Attending A Wedding During COVID19
Know 15 Easy Precautions Before Attending A Wedding During COVID19
Photo by cottonbro on

Know 15 Easy Precautions Before Attending A Wedding During COVID19

1.Protect yourself and your family by avoiding social gatherings as much as possible. Do not invite more than 50 guests, as recommended by the Government. Adjustments are required to make the ceremony a safe space for everyone. If possible, postpone the wedding to next year. If it is not possible to postpone the wedding, then transform the event into a small intimate affair only.

2. It is advisable to travel by road in your car to reach the wedding destination. For the well-being of the people who are coming to the wedding, one should avoid using public transport and carpool option.

3. Start taking Vitamin -C, kadha recommended by AYUSH, and Golden Milk regularly for some days before going to a wedding. It will boost your immune system.

4. Although the Government has opened beauty parlors and there are no restrictions on visiting there still it is better to avoid going there as long as you can. You can use homemade remedies to enhance your beauty and use self makeup to ready for the party. You can also call somebody from the parlor to your home and do the required things for you. Ensure both of you wear a mask, you change the sheet, and sanitize the place after she leaves. Take all the safety measures before and after your parlor work is done. It is an important safety measure to prevent yourself from the virus.

5. Continue using face masks. Wearing a mask is of the utmost importance when you are attending a gathering. Encourage others also who are going to come to the wedding to wear a mask. There are many beautiful and fancy face masks available in the market, so you need not have to worry about your looks during the wedding. You can flaunt them as your new style statement.

Know 15 Easy Precautions Before Attending A Wedding During COVID19
Know 15 Easy Precautions Before Attending A Wedding During COVID19
Photo by Tim Mossholder on

6. Maintain at least 1-meter distance from other people, maintaining social distancing at least for a while to prevent yourself from getting sick. With a large number of asymptomatic Covid19 cases coming up, you might never know who is infected and who is not, so try to avoid hugs and handshakes.

7. For the wedding, try to wear fitted garments, which is not very flowy so that it does not come in contact with the surfaces. Ensure you avoid touching things or surfaces as much as possible remind yourself this again and again.

8. While taking servings from the bowl, try not to touch the ladles directly, instead use a wet wipe or napkin and then discard them. Try to avoid paper cups also.

9. It is better to consider online mode for gifting to newly-married couples. Giving and receiving a physical gift is not a safe idea during the times of coronavirus. If you are thinking of carrying a gift, then remember so many people will be touching it, and quite possibly, it might become a carrier of the virus that you do not want for sure.

10. Do not eat any raw items like salads, curd, raw leafy vegetables in any form, uncooked paneer, cold salads, and ice creams. These are unsafe to eat as one does not know the kind of hygiene the caterer is maintaining while delivering the bulk orders.

11. Try avoiding public toilets as much as possible. But if you are staying in the wedding venue for long and you cannot avoid using the washroom, then make sure you use a disinfectant spray on the toilet seat before using it. Wash and sanitize your hands immediately after use.

12. People should consciously make it a practice not to touch their faces. Ensure you wash your hands frequently during our visit. Practicing hand hygiene can not only prevent coronavirus but can also keep several other diseases at bay. 

13. Don’t forget to keep your sanitizer in your purse and use it at regular intervals.

14. If you have the slightest feeling that you are not well, then avoid attending any functions, ceremony, or public gathering. Coronavirus shows different symptoms in different people. Some people with mild symptoms can be carriers of this deadly virus. Studies show Coronavirus patients can transmit the virus when they first get sick and up to 48 hours before, while they are pre-symptomatic. So for the sake of your loved ones, it is better to curb the urge of going to a gathering if you get symptoms of the virus or think you are exposed. 

15. You can even attend a wedding through a virtual party via zoom, Google Meet, Whatsapp video Chat, or Skype.

Virtual Party
Know 15 Easy Precautions Before Attending A Wedding During COVID19
Photo by Darlene Alderson on

Celebrations in a wedding during COVID19 are different from the way we had weddings before the Pandemic, so this time we should handle it differently and with much more care and precautions.

Celebrate occasions with full enthusiasm but remain cautious and follow preventive measures to keep you and your loved ones safe.

After all, Precaution is better than cure. So follow the mantra, stay safe, and stay healthy.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this post are the personal views of the author. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the Any omissions or errors are the author’s and does not assume any liability or responsibility for them.

Monica Sharma

Monica Sharma is an MBA and a former HR professional. She is a homemaker with good culinary skills and an inspiring mother of two little kids. She has always been a simple, nice, and compassionate person who loves to be with her family. She is an eminent observer and a perfectionist. She likes reading and has recently turned into a part-time blogger to inspire, guide, and share her life experience as a mommy with other moms.

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43 Responses

  1. Jaya says:

    As wedding season is coming this post is undoubtedly very useful well written.

  2. We’re about to enter a second national lockdown in the UK so there won’t be any weddings, sadly, but these are great tips for when ceremonies are able to be held again, thank you!

  3. Suresh Allu says:

    Monica, Great article and very much thoughtful information, a good reminder not to enjoy cold and uncooked food, generally all of us would not even think about it.

    Thanks for sharing wonderful blog post 🙂 🙂

  4. Thank you for sharing – some great bits of advice here that are very helpful!


  5. Elise Ho says:

    This is a great post. The tips are quite useful for attending events but, realistically, most are good for any day. The fitted garments suggestion was one I had not considered.

  6. Clarissa says:

    Great tips! I know quite a few weddings here in the US have turned out to be super spreader events. All the weddings I was supposed to go to this year got postponed though. 🤷‍♀️

  7. Archit Joshi says:

    Thank you for sharing such great ideas to stay safe in a social gathering.

  8. So true. These are the precautions we must take note before attending weddings and social gatherings. Everything change because of this pandemic………

  9. That’s some good advice, especially about fitted clothes. Saw a news report today about a couple that got married during covid19 lockdown and due to a last minute opportunity to get married before they’d have to wait months for another chance. Long story short, the bride got her dress caught in the escalator on the way to the wedding at a London tube

  10. Amie says:

    These are wonderful tips, we’ve entered a national lockdown so no weddings are happening unfortunately but I really hope that we are able to have weddings again soon and for them to be safe.

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  11. lynnmumbingmejia says:

    Great post! I was fortunate to have my wedding in September 2019 but this is super helpful for those planning a wedding during this time!

  12. Doli says:

    Due to covid so many marriages are postpone. Now all are rescheduling the dates. Thanks for sharing to prevent self.

  13. Kelly Diane says:

    This is such a helpful and insightful post. Its so important to protect yourself and your family, especially at the moment.

  14. Zeus Gongob says:

    Very great breakdown and tips, this will absolutely be helpful ❤️❤️❤️

  15. Maria says:

    Thank you for sharing this! My cousin postponed her weddidng this year to next January. Even though it’s next month, Covid is still around.

  16. Vivek says:


  17. Dyuti Damini says:

    All are very useful during this situation , as i m mother of a 1 year baby so usually m avoiding the crowd or weddings.

  18. Nehyaa says:

    Wow thanks for sharing such detail info.

  19. Anju says:

    Great! This is much needed post. Very nice .

  20. Neelam sharma says:

    Such a beautiful post. Always loved to read ur post. Thanks for sharing. Keep posting

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