Crashing the Double Standards of the Society for good

As rightly said, charity begins at home, I feel so does the crashing of double standards existing in our society.
Do you want to know how was my encounter with Double Standards and how I crashed it?
It was a lovely rainy evening in August when monsoon season was at its peak.
The all-day-long rains and cool breeze were completely overpowering the hot and humid summer season.
We were invited to a family get together. Everyone was sitting, chatting, having tasty homemade, fritters samosas, and tea.
A conversation in full swing was about how the new bar and lounge, started by my husband’s cousin is doing.
The conversation about new business ventures always attract me.
I was so impatient to know everything.
I was eager to learn about how they manage- people, inventory, and the crazy weekend crowd?
I was delighted to grasp every tiny detail.
Although I very well knew I had nothing much to do with it.
My suggestions on how they can improvise the management are not relevant for them to listen to and consider.
But being a bright student of business management in the past, such topics always induce a childlike curiosity in me.
To every statement a person says, the other people in the group give their opinion.
One can agree and disagree in a friendly tone.
Everyone enjoys, eats, and spends, a good time together.
It is the protocol of conversation in family get-togethers as per my understanding.

So, the bar business discussion lands on the topic of how girls in skimpy clothes drink and smoke just like boys.
One elder mentioned, seeing boys smoking and drinking is still ok, but what has happened to girls these days, they are crossing their limits.
After listening to such an opinion, now this light chit chat was no more casual and friendly conversation for me.
I knew what they were saying was irrational.
I had to mention my opinion, which was entirely different from the rest of the people present there.
I gathered some courage and said, Yes, excessive smoking, alcohol, and drug intake, which is prevalent among youngsters, are injurious to anyone’s health, irrespective of gender.
The younger generation should not consider it an indispensable part of their enjoyment. They should act more responsibly.
Then one of the elders expecting to convince me said seeing boys smoking and drinking is still ok but girls also following the same path is wrong.
God has made both girls and boys differently.
Girls should keep that in mind and behave accordingly.

I was a bit cheesed off with such talks.
I cannot put up with anything that is so illogical.
I wanted to blow a fuse right there.
But I also do understand considering everyone in the group are elders and owes my respect, bursting out in anger will not be appropriate.
If I do so, I will get a lot of flakes for my temper.
Then the thing which I want to highlight and make them understand will be completely overshadowed.
I only said God has made both men and women equal.
Both of them have organs that get damage when they smoke or consume excessive alcohol.
So, there is no difference in this from God’s end, while creating a man and a woman.
But yes, it is the society that happily accepts a man boozing and smoking and cannot endure a woman following the same practice.
Here we become judgemental and biased as a society.
For every deed we have double standards existing in our homes which are based on gender.
God has not bestowed special powers to the liver or lungs of a man.
So, let us not bring God in this.

I decided not to exaggerate the matter any further.
As my four-year-old was also there listening to the conversation.
Therefore, casually ignoring their discontentment, I started playing with my baby.
There was an odd silence for a minute, but then someone reluctantly said right we should consider both as equal.
The people present there were elders, but still with lot of courage, I said things I genuinely believed in.
I know a mere conversation cannot change the mindset of the people who are born and brought up by an outdated thought process.
The least I could do in that situation was to give a logical opinion to them.
Then maybe in the future, they may consider my viewpoint while discussing such issues.
Kids follow our behavior and our action and not what we tell them in terms of right and wrong.
I have a child who learns from me.
If he sees, I do not speak when I hear something wrong, which means I agree with that opinion.
Therefore, unwillingly and unknowingly, I will pass the same illogical, irrational, and outdated thought process to our future generation also.
For a child, home is the first school, and parents are the first teachers.
Parents should be an ideal example for their children.
Therefore, they should address and act responsibly to various social issues to pass on rational thinking and high moral values to their kids.
Why do we always consider women, which are also one of the beautiful creations of God, as inferior to men?
And, if we regard women as inferior to men, we should blame ourselves for our irrational way of thinking.
It is not like that a girl is taking just seven months to grow and develop in the womb and a boy taking nine months.
It takes nine months for a baby to grow in a womb, irrespective of their gender.
So why consider and treat males as superhuman beings.
Why do men have all the leverage?
Why should boys have all the fun?
Why do women have to bear the contempt of society for a similar deed?
Why everyone in society considers themselves as the savior of morality and act as moral police for the personal choices a girl makes in her life?
Why do we have to be so judgemental and interfering?
Who has given us the right to pinpoint and intervene?
If an act is wrong, it will remain wrong, no matter what your gender is.

Action leads to a question,
A question leads to seeking for wisdom,
Wisdom induces a thought,
A thought shapes a mindset.
A changed mindset is, therefore, a powerful weapon to transform the lives of the people of the future generation.
It will also lead to the betterment and upliftment of the society and country as a whole.
I believe my post will influence my readers to seek answers to the questions through their wisdom.
Hopefully, this will change their mindset, and one day the whole world will crash the double standards existing in our society and will move to a new dawn of happiness, equality, and a logical way of thinking.
Hats off for taking courage to speak up even though most of them are elders. The topic can really spark a lot of arguments or opinions when talking with people from older generation (they uses to live so strictly, by the book, and so much double standards they thought were okay). But the world is changing and the younger ones, especially women, are raising up their voice to be heard.
Thank you so much for your comment Queensights. Appreciate your support and positive opinion on the topic. It is high time now we need to acknowledge the injustice of gender-based double standards existing in our society for ages and try to crash it for good. Our world would be a better place to live in for everyone if biases based on gender, is uprooted from the core.
As a Malaysian and Asian, I also faced this kinda situation. Old people have different thinking, young people have different thinking. But I do believe that both young and people have to be able to give and take, and understand each other. Good post. Thank you for sharing this with me.
Thank you so much Fadima for sharing your views here.
Wow this sounds like it was a potentially charged discussion. I agree with you about respecting our elders but sometimes it can be so so hard
Thank you so much Lisa for your views and comment.
Outdated notions of what men and women can and can’t do need to be put to rest for good. People should feel free to be who they want. Furthermore, no one should be smoking anymore, at least vape instead to reduce the harm to your health
I agree with your view point and I am glad people of young generation are supporting equality of Gender. Thank you so much for your comment.
This was really interesting to read. Unfortunately we still have a way to go to achieve equality in some generations.
Thank you so much for your comment, Kelly.
This could be possible if we(women) change our mindset because we can’t change our elders minset.As u said that kids learn everything from their parents specially from their mothers. I have two kids one boy and one girl and I always treat them equal even I try to teach my son every household chores which we expect that its only girls job.
Thank You so much Tripti, for reading the article and sharing your views here. I am glad you also believe in gender equality.
Nice post. I really like the one where you wrote, if an act is wrong, it remains wrong no matter the gender. Most people fail to realize that.
Thank you so much for your support, comment, and appreciation.
Thoughtful blog post no matter what the gender was if the act is wrong it’s wrong for all.
Wonderful article thanks sharing a good discussion 🥰🥰
Thank You so much for your comment.
An interesting blog with a thoughtful point brought out beautifully!
Thank you so much Shweta. 💖
Very interesting blog post with such a nice message brought do beautifully 😊 thank you for sharing 👍👍
Thank You so much for your comment. 🙂
Very interesting blog post presented so beautifully 😊 thank you for sharing 👍👍
Thank You so much Prableen. 🙂