My Childbirth Story The Day You Made Me ‘MOM’

My Childbirth story the day you made me mom
My Childbirth story the day you made me mom
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My Childbirth Story

Childbirth stories and pregnancy tales are very special to all moms. Here I am sharing my true story.

Mind juggling at the time of Childbirth

So dear, we are going to push a little it might hurt. I nodded and closed my eyes.

Meeting you was only a push away.

I closed my eyes, and within a flash of seconds, saw my nine months journey with you inside me. Now even half an hour in operation theatre felt like ages. I knew the event happening today is golden, and I may not experience it again in my entire life. 

Childbirth story (Flashback)

Pregnancy days

I use to eat less due to morning sickness, which resulted in food aversion and feeling nauseated all day.

Household chores, staying all alone, changing my rental house twice during pregnancy, no stable domestic help, and a busy husband made my pregnancy very tough.

My Childbirth Story The day you made me 'MOM'
My Childbirth Story The Day You Made Me ‘MOM’

As a result, it was the 37th week of my pregnancy when my gynecologist decided to operate as the child was IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction).

IUGR refers to a condition in which an unborn baby is smaller than it should be because it is not growing at a normal rate inside the womb.

My in-laws and my mother also came, only a few days before my delivery.

Delivery day morning

I got up at 2 a.m. had a small meal, knowing I cannot eat anything soon. No matter how hungry I feel after this.

Finally, I got up at 6:30 a.m. packed my dear hubby’s office lunch. Then I got ready for the hospital at 8 a.m. with my father in law. 


I entered the elevator and saw a female in full-term glowing like a flawless glass, and then I saw myself on the metal surface of the elevator, wondering why my estrogens did nothing nice to my skin. Oh, I waited all these nine months of my pregnancy, expecting to look extraordinarily beautiful, but unfortunately, nothing like that happened to me. I came out of the elevator.

Preparation for C-Section

I cooperated nicely with the medical staff for pre-operating procedures.

One medical staff tied my hair in two plaits, did the shaving, and then gave me an enema, following which I stayed in the washroom for quite some time till I felt better.

Then as per their protocol, they took me in a wheelchair to the operation theatre.

My Childbirth Story The day you made me 'MOM'
My Childbirth Story The day you made me ‘MOM’

Childbirth Story (Present)

At Operation Theatre (OT)

At OT, they gave me anesthesia on my lower back, and they asked me to relax and to sleep. But I kept my eyes and mind open. I was trying to capture a glimpse of every tiny detail happening in the room.

Then a team of doctors came. Seeing my eyes wide open surprised them. So, they asked the anesthetic if I got the shot. To which he said, I will soon doze off.

They put a curtain between my upper and lower body so that I do not see anything. It felt like the doctors are trying to write something on my big tummy with a sketch pen. I did not realize they are using knife n scissors on me. But within a fraction of seconds, that feeling was also gone. Anesthesia was playing its role, and I closed my eyes.

When I heard the word true-knot, my eyes popped open. The head doctor said to me, “So dear, we are going to push a little it might hurt”. I nodded and closed my eyes.


Just then, I heard the baby’s cry. This time I slightly opened my eyes and saw the back of a baby in the hands of some pediatricians.

Somehow not realizing it’s my baby, I asked the surgeon, is it, my baby? She said, who else was operated on here, then they all laughed, and I smiled. I asked everyone, how is my baby? To which she said, healthy, all ok, no issues, now you can relax and sleep.

I calmed down the first time in the entire day and felt comfortable.

My Childbirth Story The day you made me 'MOM'
My Childbirth Story The day you made me ‘MOM’

I saw them cleaning the baby and noting the baby’s weight, time of birth, and gender on a whiteboard. Knowing that the baby is fine, the thing which piqued my curiosity at this hour was the gender of the baby.

My very intelligent doctor mom in law had told me multiple times during my pregnancy not to ask doctors the gender of the baby immediately after delivery.

She said as doctors are busy doing a crucial task during surgery. So I should be patient, and doctors will tell me on their own but ensure- you do not ask. Doctors should not be disturbed with trivial questions during surgery.

I waited and waited, but no one told me anything.

I tried reading everything which was written on the whiteboard.

But now it was getting tough for me to keep myself awake.

I was trying hard to grasp each detail, but somehow it was getting difficult to control now. I could not read the whiteboard. It was glaring at the place where the gender of the baby was written. 

Our First Meeting

Then I saw a pediatric doctor taking my baby out from OT (operation theatre) to NICU. I called her and asked her that I want to see my baby.

She said- oops, we forgot, they brought the baby close to me for a moment.

I was then shifted to the recovery room. When I resumed my consciousness, I was taken to my room. There I saw my little one, waiting for me with other family members.

 It was a wonderful feeling.

My Childbirth Story The Day You Made Me 'MOM'
My Childbirth Story The Day You Made Me ‘MOM’

 I was a mom now. 

P.S. I could no longer control my curiosity. So I asked the pediatric doctor (who was taking my baby from OT to NICU)- if it’s a girl or a boy?

She looked at me in utter bewilderment, finally answered, and sated my curiosity.

I hope you like the childbirth story I have shared. It must have taken you back to your sweet memories.


Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this post are the personal views of the author. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the Any omissions or errors are the author’s and does not assume any liability or responsibility for them.

Dr. Priyanka Joshi

Dr. Priyanka Joshi is a Ph.D. in Management, MBA in E-Business a former Banker, a millennial mom, and an ardent writer. She is on the mission to celebrate motherhood, all its queer and cheerful times through real-life anecdotes from real moms. Voicing stories that are relatable and informative, committed to creating content that is engaging and informative to usher all the moms through this amazing journey. So, here's from a part-time Blogger and the full-time Supermom.

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33 Responses

  1. Kelly Diane says:

    I love that you’ve told your story right from the beginning. Really enjoyable read

  2. That was a lovely post, thank you for sharing your experience!

  3. Amazing, it’s so great that you told the full story of your child being born, it sounds like a really tough experience!

  4. Clarissa says:

    This will be fun for your baby to look back on one day! It’s crazy they forgot to tell you the gender.

  5. Retirestyle Travel says:

    I can only imagine what your day was like, but you made it through and were blessed. Thanks for sharing

  6. Izzy Matias says:

    Thanks for sharing your childbirth story! I enjoyed reading it. 🙂

  7. Ramneek Bhatia says:

    That was a really good read!

  8. Tanushri Saha says:

    It’s a lovely post.thanks for sharing your experience. It will be very helpful for new moms or mom to be🥰

  9. Nishtha says:

    Every childbirth is a story in itself! And first time mum’s stories are even more interesting due to added punch of excitement and anxiety along with a gamut of other feelings! Enjoyed reading about journey

  10. Preeti says:

    Brings back my memory of last year where I had water birth.. Hope the baby is fine n is it a boy or girl.. Lovely article n u have put your feelings so well..

  11. Jaita Mukherjee says:

    Very nice informative

  12. Jaita Mukherjee says:

    Very nice , informative

  13. Ritu says:

    That was lovely story,reminds me all things about my pregnancy and the golden moment of my baby when she was in my hand first time…

  14. Kavita says:

    I enjoyed your birth story lot💚❤💚 I can relate how amazing is the motherhood feeling 💚❤💚
    Loved it totally

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