12 ways to Overcome Depression in Children during COVID19

12 ways to Overcome Depression in Children during COVID19
12 ways to Overcome Depression in Children during COVID19
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Pandemic has been hard on everyone.  Here will discuss the steps to combat Depression in Children during Covid19

Anyone can have stress which can adversely affect their mental health.

Our children can perceive the situation due to which they can be depressed, angry, aggressive, unmotivated, unfocused, resentful, and anxious. As a parent we should analyse the depression symptoms and act accordingly.

The 12 ways to Overcome Depression in Children during COVID 19 are:

12 ways to Overcome Depression in Children during COVID19
  1. Awareness

 Awareness is the first crucial step to combat depression. It allows our children to lean on a support system that may prevent them from taking any extreme step. Both with your actions and words express to your children that you love them and there for them every time in any situation.

2. Be a Good Listener

 Sometimes just being a compassionate listener aid to a great extent. We need to be a good example for our children. We need to have a heart to heart conversation with the child. We should patiently listen to their side of the story.

 3. Understanding Actions

 Some children express their state of mind with their unpleasant actions. They are destructive, stubborn, or emotional, so at this time parents should deal with them sensitively. To comprehend a child’s mood, we should identify the external factors which induce aggressive behavior.

12 ways to Overcome Depression in Children during COVID19
12 steps to Overcome Depression in Children during Covid19

 4. Teach your child power of expressing things in words

 I feel it’s always important to open mouth and let the words flow out. Even if your child is shy in expressing and saying what he/ she feels. Encourage him to say.

 Make it a bedtime routine to talk to your kids about:

 How their day was?

 What did he do?

 What all they learned?

 Who all are their friends?

 Which things made them happy and which made them sad throughout the day?

 Why they liked and why they did not like something?

 We ought to teach them to have hearty talks, encourage them to face fears, and allow them to feel uncomfortable at times.

 Such a conversation will actively bond parents with the child. This routine talk will train the child in articulating his feelings in words. This will transform the child into a more lucid and expressive person.

 5. Expression of Love

 From a kid’s early childhood parents should give unconditional love, affection, and encouragement to their kids. It enhances a child’s self-esteem and confidence.

The words and actions of parents should deliver only love and support. It helps your kids to be contented and a happy person later in life.

Expression Of Love
12 Steps to Overcome Depression in Children during Covid19

6. Appreciation and Motivation

 We need to understand the situation and communicate positive thoughts. 

Every human being around us likes to be appreciated for their work. 

The lockdown due to Covid19 has been hard on our kids as well. 

But parents must be more vigilant in acknowledging and appreciating their kid’s work. 

Appreciation fills a mind with positivity and good thoughts. 

12 ways to Overcome Depression in Children during COVID19
12 Steps to Overcome Depression in Children during Covid19

Motivation builds the child’s self-esteem, develops a happy mindset, and gives them a sense of achievement. 

It improves performance and enhances learning skills. 

Some kids are shy and nervous. They find it difficult in expressing and asserting even the good points and ideas. So, we should always try to motivate them with our words and sometimes give them treats in their achievements.

7. Bond Strongly

Parents who spend time doing things together with their kids tend to build a strong connection. 

A strong parent and child bond influences most of the child’s development. 

  •  Make sure parents and kids each day should do some household chores and some fun activities together.
  •  Household chores like cleaning, mopping dusting, or cooking should be the task of everyone in the family.
  •  The amusement activities include drawing, painting, craftwork, and watching the same show on TV.

 This will instigate in the kid’s mind that fun and responsibilities are part and parcel of life.

 This will induce in them the notion that both amusement and responsibilities are part and parcel of one’s life. 

Children learn to enjoy mundane tasks and face difficult circumstances together.

Bond Strongly
12 Steps to Overcome Depression in Children during Covid19

8. Exercise

 Engaging kids in some physical exercises during COVID19 is important. Exercise improves their mental health significantly. 

It relieves depression, stress, anxiety, helps in a sound sleep, and boosts the overall mood. 

It can help in boosting memory and diluting routine stress. Exercising in a group can be amusing and relaxing for the whole family. 

It will accentuate in creating some everlasting and happy memories in young minds.

9. Be easy on Children

 In such a situation when kids can’t move out of the house, parents should remain easy and calm with them. 

Although screaming and destructive behavior in kids should be discouraged completely.

Kids will tend to make mistakes, but we parents have to be firm, yet gentle in explaining to them what is right.

  10. Discipline 

 Discipline should be induced in kids from early childhood.

 There should be a proper time table to do things even if they are full-time at home.

 Kids should be involved in both fun and learning activities round the clock.

Remember an empty mind is a devil’s workshop so ensure children have enough tasks to do all day.

 Parents who have teenage children should ease the tension which creates conflict between them and try to be sensitive and empathetic in understanding them.

12 ways to Overcome Depression in Children during COVID19
12 Steps to Overcome Depression in Children during Covid19

 11. Respect

 Respect is everyone’s needs irrespective of age. A stable respectful relation of parents gives a steady and secure mindset to children. 

Parents should respect each other and create a positive atmosphere. 

They should give due respect and love to everyone in the house including grandparents, kids, and servants. 

It is an important aspect of taking care of overall healthy physical and mental development of kids.

 12. Guidance and Support

 Thanks to the internet that parents have the power to search and grasp things they did not learn in school.

Always do proper research and gather full knowledge of things that are of your kid’s interest before rejecting their ideas.

Proper induction after your research can persuade kids to make more appropriate choices in life. 

12 ways to Overcome Depression in Children during COVID19
12 Steps to Overcome Depression in Children during Covid19

Useful Tips for parents

Being a parent is a stressful but rewarding and joyful experience.

But parents do not let your stress and work overshadow the good things you know and want to implement for your kid’s mental well-being.

 Remember a happy parent can only raise a happy child.

12 ways to Overcome Depression in Children during COVID19——————————————————————————————

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this post are the personal views of the author. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the sunshinemoms.com. Any omissions or errors are the author’s and thesunshinemoms.com does not assume any liability or responsibility for them.

Dr Priyanka Joshi

Dr. Priyanka Joshi is a Ph.D. in Management, MBA in E-Business, a former Banker, a millennial mom, and an ardent writer. She is on the mission to celebrate motherhood, all its queer and cheerful times through real-life anecdotes from real moms. Voicing stories that are relatable and informative committed to creating content that is engaging and informative to usher all the moms through this amazing journey. So, here's from a part-time Blogger and a full-time Supermom.

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21 Responses

  1. Some awesome tips which all of us parents could use after what is now 8 months of this. The way things are going we could well be in for another 8 months at least. If there was one of these 12 which you had to chose which has the most immediate impact, which would it be? exercise?

    We have been keeping a daily gratitude journal since the first day of lockdown and it has been incredible in keeping positivity up and harnessing happiness and keeping depression at bay. Both for our children and us.

  2. Teaching children to learn to express themselves through talking is probably one of the most important life skills we can teach anyone. Too many adults often act aggressive to vent their frustrations, and if they’d been taught to express that through talking, the world might be a nicer place

  3. Elise Ho says:

    I agree that we need to communicate positive thoughts. I also think it is important to be realistic. We are all going through so much.

  4. Prableen kaur says:

    Really very true ❤️

  5. Nithya says:

    Very nice tips you have given. It’s been really hard on all of us especially kids because stay at home all time.. it’s hard for kids. They miss everything.

  6. Maria says:

    I’ve noticed a lot are experiencing a lot of depression or anxiety during this time. Especially those who are going thru distant learning. It’s not only hard on the kids, but the parents as well.

  7. Ritu says:

    These are really helpful for parents .. true and informative… thank u so much for sharing this

  8. Simpi Bisht says:

    depression is a common thing and you beautifully explained how to cope up with it…. children are very depressed it’s time as a parent they should aware of their child behaviour …best tips given by you…😍

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